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About Sabrina

A joyous “Hello” from me to you… ;))) As I live in Rijeka, 70km away from Baska, and I also like to travel very much, in most cases I'm not physically present in my interactions with my guests. All reservations are organized by the Tourist agency located in Baska (you'll receive all the details with your reservation). Staff and friends are checking the apartment on daily basis and everything is very well organized. Just let it know to the Agency in Baska or to me directly for any need or eventual “challenge ;)))” you have. You may stay calm and relax, any inconvenience will be fixed in a few hours. For any other question, need, suggestion, criticism or praise, please don't hesitate to contact me, I'm available on my cellphone or e-mail at any time and I'll do my best to do the best for you too ;))) I wish you an easygoing, memorable and pleasant holiday!!! Love, S.

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