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Als Freund hinzufügen
Stadt Perth
Alter -17766 Jahre
Beruf Teacher

Über Ross

I am from Perth, Western Australia and live with my partner Tayler. He and I have been together for about 2.5 years and hope to marry in the UK next January. I have lived and work in the UK for about four years, but am currently living back in Perth which is where I was born. We are going to be in Paris for a few days in April and then in the UK. We enjoy a good laugh, a few drinks, happy to try different things and always up for meeting new people.

Bewertungen für den Gast Ross

  • Jean michel 5.0 21.04.2013

    Great guys , very friendly and adorable.

  • + {:one=>"+ %{count} Bewertung von Partnern.", :other=>"+ %{count} Bewertungen von Partnern."}
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