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Als Freund hinzufügen
Stadt Amsterdam
Beruf Online marketeer

Über Philip

I was born in Amsterdam and that's also the city where I live sometimes. Sometimes because I love to travel a lot! I have studied at the NHTV, the Netherlands Institute of tourism and Transport and because of that I had the opportunity to travel allready a lot. I like to hike, doing a lot of sports like swimming, volleyball, mountainbiking, tennis, football, snowbording, climbing, fitness etc. etc.IÂ’m optimistic, active, interested, loving, faithful and honest to others.I like to meet people from other cultures!

Bewertungen für den Gast Philip

  • Daniel 5.0 28.09.2015

    Danke und ein Hoch auf unsere niederländischen Nachbarn denen das bayrische Bier geschmeckt hat. Immer wieder gerne. Pünktlich Zuverlässig Pflegeleicht und Weltoffen. 3 plus 1 yes we can

  • + {:one=>"+ %{count} Bewertung von Partnern.", :other=>"+ %{count} Bewertungen von Partnern."}
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