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Über marcelo

My name is Marcelo and I had recently renewed my apartment for renting. Hope you enjoy it! , I work as a designer, environmentalist and beekeeper I live a few minutes from the center in the country side but love Porto, love nature, surf, good music and books! Hope you enjoy it! Paula Castro works as an architect but have time to manages the flat for me, she lives about few minutes away from the flat. We never get bored of exploring this unique city, especially in terms of art/design, music and good food. If you need any advice from a Oporto region, we would be very happy to make suggestions and recomendations. So feel free to get in touch for more information. I´m looking forward to share my traveling experiences and also pratice other languages. Welcome !! This is a Unesco amazing Oporto city!!

Bewertungen für marcelo 's Unterkünfte

  • Dirk 18.02.2016

  • Martina 18.02.2016

  • + {:one=>"+ %{count} Bewertung von Partnern.", :other=>"+ %{count} Bewertungen von Partnern."}

Bewertungen für den Gastgeber marcelo

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