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Als Freund hinzufügen
Stadt Birmingham
Alter 37 Jahre
Beruf I work as a Post Doctorate Researcher at the University of Birmingham. My research is working with children with intellectual disabilities and their families. Christian is a painter and decorator but is also doing an apprenticeship as a sound engineer so

Über Kate

Hello, My name is Kate and I am 26 years old. I live in Birmingham, England with my boyfriend Christian. Christian and I met in 2012 when we were living/travelling in Australia. Christian is originally from Germany but he has been living with me in England for the past 6 months. This summer, Christian and I are travelling around Germany so that Christian can introduce me to all of the places he loves and so that I can meet his family and friends. We joined 9flats to try and find an apartment in Berlin that can be our base whilst we explore the city.

Bewertungen für den Gast Kate

  • Romito 5.0 17.01.2016

    Nice and friendly guests, good in communication, They left the place in good condition.. I recommend them to anybody and hope you will be my guests again :).. Best Regards from Prenzlauer Berg

  • Alexandra 5.0 05.09.2013

    Perfect guest, easy contact, very likable person. Thank you so much!

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