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Über Darren

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Bewertungen für den Gast Darren

  • Lore y Nia 5.0 26.09.2013

    Darren+Christine were a cute couple. The were great people and although we didn´t spend too much time together we realized they were very happy and very respectfull people.! Hope you had a good flight when you came back to Singapore! LoreYNia

  • Lore y Nia 5.0 26.09.2013

    Darren+Christine were a cute couple. The were great people and although we didn´t spend too much time together we realized they were very happy and very respectfull people.!
    Hope you had a good flight when you came back to Singapore!

  • elena 5.0 13.09.2013

    Huesped muy agradable y educado. Muchas gracias por vuestra visita

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