К сожалению, нам не удалось найти это место на карте


Город Copenhagen, Denmark
Возраст 34 лет
Профессия Merchendiser

О Konrad

Hello, I'm 24-year-old student came here to study at KEA University, I have just started our education and I'm looking for a place, where I could live together with somebody as social as I am. I am non-smoker, neat, friendly guy. I will care about the apartment and keep it tidy, moreover I won't be spending so much time in it, because I am busy with mine school life and different projects and also I'm working. If it would be helpful, I can get a reference from mine landlord, to confirm that I am easy going, nice guy. :) I'm looking forward to your answer. Kind regards, Konrad aka Oshi.

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