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Añadir como amigo
Ciudad Maun, Botswana
Ocupación Marketing Director, Desert & Delta Safaris, Botswana

Info de Walter

I live and work in Botswana, a landlocked country in Southern Africa. I am the Marketing Director for a well established company, Desert & Delta Safaris. We own and operate a network of exclusive safari lodges and camps throughout northern Botswana. Because of my job, I travel all over the world on a pretty regular basis. Although at times it is necessary, I am forced to stay in mainstream hotels, however my preference is rather for privacy and exclusivity in accommodation. I like independence and a unique experience over convenience!

Reseñas de Walter como huésped

  • Alexandra 5.0 28/02/2016

    Walter war ein Supergast, gerne immer wieder.

  • Peter 4.0 19/09/2014

    schön dass Ihr da wart

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