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City Leipzig, Germany
Age 50 years
Occupation Apotheker

About Alexander

Hello, I´m from Leipzig and have lived here since my birth. The only break was a 8,5 month-accomodation in Scotland, where I worked and lived with disabled children. I´m married and have three daughters. I´m pharmacist and run my own business. I like Musik and I play the trombone. I love to bike through the city and I have three bikes, but i´m planning to build my 4th bike, which will be a green single-speed.

Favourites of Alexander

Accommodates 2
Tour Eiffel Zentrum Paris / Studio Gastgeberin Deutsche
from $90 per night

Reviews for Alexander as a guest

  • Astrid 5.0 05/13/2013

    Ganz lıebe Famılıe. Hofflıch und dezent: Ich wuerde mıch sehr auf eınen weıteren Besuch freuen Astrıd

  • + {:one=>"+ %{count} review from partners.", :other=>"+ %{count} reviews from partners."}
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