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Город Denver, Colorado

О Cynthia

Этот пользователь ещё не добавил информацию о себе

Оценки гостя Cynthia

  • Ahman 5.0 05/18/2011

    Cynthia by far has been my favourite guest. She's funny, intelligent, confident, respectful and tidy! Having spent a week with her I now regard her as a friend and as such I'm going to Edinburgh!! Cynthia is the perfect guest and if all my guests end up like her then life will be heaven.

  • + {:few=>"+ %{count} отзыв от партнеров.", :many=>"+ %{count} отзыв от партнеров.", :one=>"+ %{count} отзыв от партнеров.", :other=>"+ %{count} отзыва(-ов) от партнеров."}
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