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Añadir como amigo
Ciudad Mannheim
Edad 44 años
Ocupación Bar Owner

Info de Katja

Hi, I live with my son and my boyfriend in a not so big city in Germany :). We like to travel as much as we can, and our newest challenge is to do so with our one year old son.

Favoritos de Katja

Alojamientos 2
Spacious and Attractive Room In Manhattan
desde €51 por noche

Reseñas de Katja como huésped

  • Drasko 5.0 05/06/2012

    I was fortunate enough to have the pleasure of meeting Katja and her boyfriend. The are both very warm, respectful and cheerful individuals. They treated my flat during their stay as if it was there own and I would not hesitate to host them again and again. I hope our paths cross again in the future.

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