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Als Freund hinzufügen
Stadt 78600 Kolbingen
Alter 58 Jahre
Beruf Abteilungsleiter

Über Paul

Hello People My name is Paul , my wife is named Jasmina . We have two daughters , Larissa and Darleen . And not to forget our sheltie Thimmy . We live between Stuttgart and lake constance in a small village ( about 1300 persons ). We have an own house , built in 2005 . I am working in a factory for air climatisation , we are delivering everywhere in Europe and have an office near Windsor , you can look at the homepage . I am working as head of department for our CNC machines , its a stressful job but i like it . Our children going to school , in germany it´s called "Realschule" , i don´t know how the schools are categorized in England .We are searching an easy place to stay in London , and we think that a private flat is a good way to improve our english .

Bewertungen für den Gast Paul

  • Phil and Aquilla 4.0 11.08.2013

    We didn't see much of Paul and his daughter while they stayed here until the last evening when we were finally able to sit down and have a chat. As Paul told us: they were only here to sleep and during the day they would be out sightseeing. Of course we prefer to get to know our guests (after all we are not a hotel but a family home) but whether our guests wish to socialize or keep to themselves, we leave that up to them. It is their holiday and we do not wish to impose ourselves upon our guests. When we did finally get to talk to Paul and his daughter they were friendly and communicative. They were also tidy and respected the house. We wish them well in the future.

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