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Über Alexander

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Bewertungen für den Gast Alexander

  • Attila 5.0 26.03.2013

    I made a mistake. My review is readable at Andre Rochner gap. I repeat it here again: " A large family: parents and 4 adolescents. What to tell any more! Parents were kind, children were polite and decent. Mr. Simo's father was native Hungarian, we could talf and agree about history of German and Hungarian football. It was very nice to meet them. "
    About Andre Rochner: Andre's family and his friends were also our guests in the same time, but at an other apartment, like the Simko. They were very helpful, especially when the central heating went wrong at night. They called me immediately, so we could solve the problem next morning. They were young and cheerful people, I can recommend them to every one.

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